Why do people commit fraud?: There is no single reason
behind fraud and any explanation of it needs to take account of various
factors. Three aspects of fraud triangle defines the cause to commit fraud.
Motivation (is driven by greed or need - behaviour and culture influences
affects the likelihood of fraud), Opportunity (weak control increases chance
for fraud - fear of exposure to detection curb propensity of fraudulent behaviour)
and rationalization (awareness and acceptance of consequences - e.g justifiable
punishment if caught). Page 14
Responsibility for internal control: Overall responsibility
for the organisation's system of internal control must be at the highest level
in the organisation. (Primary responsibility of prevention and detection of
fraud rests with the directors of a company).
A sound system of internal control safeguards shareholders' investment
and company's assets. Page 26
Fraud detection: Fraud detection is the identification of
actual or potential fraud within an organisation. It relies upon the
implementation of appropriate systems and processes to spot the early warning
signs of fraud. There are various ways to detect fraud. They are Whistleblowing,
internal tip-off, accidental detection, external tip-off, law enforcement
investigation, changes in duties/personnel, internal audit, external audit,
corporate security and risk management.
Page 38
Whistleblowing policy: Whistleblowing is when a worker
reports suspected wrongdoing at work. Officially, this is called ‘making a
disclosure in the public interest’. A worker can report things that aren’t
right, are illegal or if anyone at work is neglecting their duties, including:
Ø someone’s health and safety is in danger
damage to the environment
a criminal offence
the company isn’t obeying the law (like not
having the right insurance)
covering up wrongdoing
Pre-employment screening is the process of verifying the
qualifications, suitability and experience of a potential candidate for
employment. Techniques used include confirmation of educational and
professional qualifications, verification of employment background, criminal
history searches, and credit checks. For all screening, the organisation must
obtain the individual's written permission and all documents must bear the
individual's name. Page 36
Outline fraud response plan: Responsibility of detection of
fraud normally rest to top level management. Once the likelihood of fraud is
identified, the investigation is carried out. Corporate policy and practice
provides guidelines for reporting and enforcing actions against fraud.
Effective control mechanism is then developed, implemented and reviewed to
control fraud. Page 69
CIMA Article: Fraud risk management -Page 69-38-36-26-14
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