Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Personal effectiveness


Do you know how organised you are? Do you know your weakness? Do you know your strengths? What is SWAT analysis? How you use SWAT to rediscover a brand new YOU? Is qualification all that your employer care? What is the expectation of your employer from you? What is your efficiency level? Are you satisfied with your performance? What is your next target? How you plan to achieve it?  And, what means personal effectiveness?

Answer to these questions is simple. "Everything Grows." As like we do, our expectations, dreams, vision and organisations everything grow bigger. The growth creates an opportunity to advance in carrier, stay abreast with changes and to defeat rivals.  Therefore we need to organise ourselves which is termed here as 'personal effectiveness'.

Personal effectiveness stands for organising activities, identifying problems, simplifying problems, prioritising, tackling problems, acquiring help and fulfilling assigned task. There are not any defined quantitative tools, which measures personal effectiveness at work. No two individuals' performance is identical in all respect. This is the unique strength that every individual have. Employer need (job specification) defines qualitative standards expected from a person appointed to a position.

What is the expected personal effectiveness from an operational staff, a line manager, an office secretary or a director? At directorial level, personal effectiveness is like a brand power to the company and to office secretary it is about self-esteem. At managerial level, personal effectiveness is increased performance of the process and to the operational staff level is it is increased effort to work.

Growth is not just the need it is a natural phenomenon. This simple understanding compels individual to plan for development. He/she identifies his/her current position and trace a way forward to achieve a set target. Individual's SWOT analysis is the start point for improved personal effectiveness. This is like looking in the mirror and correcting ourselves.

Mentoring, coaching and counseling are views from second party used to analyse individual's effectiveness.  Mentoring facilitates learning and provides guidance in overall development, coaching focuses on specific areas for development and counseling renders practical suggestions to solve problems.

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