Wednesday, February 12, 2014



Recruitment is the process of seeking applicants for a job vacancy.
Recruitment process follows an organised order:
Ø  Preparing for recruitment: At this stage, organisations recognise the gap, which creates the demand for more employees, associated cost of employees and expected changes in culture and process.
Ø  Equal opportunities: It increases awareness against every type of discriminations that may arise during recruitment process. Prospective candidates should be treated equally and should be provided with reasonable and fair opportunities participating recruitment program.
Ø  Developing a recruitment and selection policy: Policies are developed to formalize process providing guidelines on operation, recognise best practice and promote clarity of vision. It promotes consistent and fair approach in recruitment practice.
Ø  Delegating responsibility for the process of recruitment: The recruitment and selection team is charged with responsibility and delegated with powers to conduct in the best interest of the organisation following the procedures designed for recruitment and selection.
Ø  Planning the process of recruitment: Planning process identifies and describes tasks to complete by the due date.
Ø  Job description/specification: Job description is a summary of the tasks and responsibilities, which make up the job. It is the description of the job and not the person doing it. It includes job title, area of work, terms and conditions of employment and responsibility to employer.
Ø  Person specification: The person specification lists the skills, experience, qualifications and other attributes needed to fulfill the role outlined in the job description.
Job and person specification is better presented by Rodger '-The seven-point plan' (Physical make up -health and physique, Attainments -qualification and experience, General intelligence -fundamental capacity, Special aptitude -other skills, Interest, Disposition -influence over other and self-reliance, Circumstance -domestic/family environment) and Fraser -'Five point plan' (Impact on other people -physical make up, Acquired qualifications -education and experience, Innate abilities -aptitude for learning, Motivation -individual consistency and determination, Flexibility and adjustment -emotional stability).
Ø  Application forms: Application form is prepared in such a way to ensure that all essential information from the candidate is gathered.
Ø  Job advertisements: Advertisement inform potential candidate about available vacancy.
Ø  Information to applicants: It includes details provided in advertisement about the job, organisation and application process.

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