Saturday, December 14, 2013

Business English

Business English
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What is Business English ?
Business English is not extra terrestrial or alien language and is not separated from common English language. It just means reflecting familiarity with mostly used vocabularies that replace lengthy and weighty words with short and swift words. As do doctors, engineers, lawyers, scientists, ……. have, people involved in daily business activities do also have common terms of written and spoken English. So, is it a tough lesson? No unlike other language, Business English is widely used and they mostly reflect practice of general English language.

What improves your skills of Business English?
Practice: how? It is just as easy as doing your daily chores.

  1. Practice listening business news
  2. Try to find out general meaning of difficult words that you hear
  3. Read business journals and note new words and revisit the situation
  4.  Make best use of business literatures when you are on vacation
  5. Use audio visuals like documentaries and webcasts/podcasts

Do I need to be Organization Specific?
To begin with, you just think in a broad sense. This is an integrated area and every activity in the economy is linked into business, somehow. Choose your area of interest and start it.


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