Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Standard Costing Part4

ACCA F5 - Performance Management 

Simply expressing variances in term of numbers do worth nothing and represents burden imposed to management. Variances do not itself disclose underlying causes. Managers should seek causes of variances and the relationship between variances.

Positive variance does not always stands for favourable performance. For example, standard set price per kilo of raw material was $10 but actually $9 was paid for the material give a positive variance of $1. If real market price for material for the period was, $8 means that whether wrong standard was set or the price of the product fall to unexpected level. The underlying cause for payment of $9 can be the contract with vendor or it can be managerial unwillingness to study the market price or similar causes.

Variances are interrelated to each other. A favourable material price variance can result unfavourable usage variance, unfavourable labor variance and unfavourable sales variance. Cheap and low quality material used for production can increase labor time, consume extra material and result in lower sales volume. Most one variance will exert thrust for changes in other variances.

Operating statement
Absorption Costing
Marginal costing
Budgeted Profit/contribution

profit per unit
Sales volume variance using
contribution per unit

flexed budget profit
Standard profit on actual sales
flexed budget contribution

Sales price variance

Cost Variances:

Material price

Material usage

Labor rate

Labor efficiency

Variable overhead rate

Variable overhead efficiency

Field not required
Actual Contribution

Field not required
Budgeted fixed production overhead

Fixed overhead volume (FOV) - Production
Field not required

Fixed overhead expenditure - Production

Fixed overhead expenditure - Non -production


Actual Profit

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